It is a term often said but I don’t believe fully understood or really thought about yet when understood it explains a lot about energy levels and maintaining a healthy weight…and so much more.
We have sugar (or glucose) in our blood. We NEED a healthy range of glucose in our blood, about 70-100 mg/dL, to help regulate our energy levels. If we stay in this range, we will have a calm and consistent wave of energy throughout the day. That wave will dip when we haven’t eaten for a few hours and will rise up when we eat but the goal is to stay within that range. Why is it so important? How can we help maintain a healthy range?
First let me explain how our body regulates blood sugar. It is actually regulated by two hormones, insulin and glucagon. When glucose levels are high, your pancreas releases insulin to help to store excess glucose in your liver, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue (fat tissue)-in that specific order. When glucose levels drop, your pancreas releases glucagon which signals your cells to release glucose and fat for energy in the same specific order—liver, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. Here is the kicker, your liver and skeletal muscle can only store a finite amount of glucose so once those stores are full, the rest goes into your adipose tissue which can store an UNLIMITED amount of glucose. This explanation of blood sugar regulation is simplistic but I think it is impressive to think about how accurate our body systems are and how hard our body works to keep us in balance.
So why is it important to keep our blood sugar in the 70-100 mg/ dL range? It means balance for our body. When we are balanced, our body doesn’t have to work as hard. The following are a few examples BUT there are so many more reasons why we want to level our blood sugar. These examples just scrape the surface.
Our emotions are regulated
Have you ever been ‘hangry?’ It is real, right!? You are so hungry you can’t think straight and if anyone talks to you, you are not responsible if you scream at them. Hangry is a sign your blood sugar is too low, it has dipped below the low normal range.
Have you ever had a sugar high? This is when you have so much sugar in your system, you are excited, jittery or have the inability to focus.
In both these scenarios, we aren’t in control of our emotions, our blood sugar levels are in control. When we work to stay in the normal range, we can stay calm, cool and collected.
Our weight fluctuates minimally
Remember when I mentioned above that our liver and skeletal muscle can only store a finite amount of glucose and our adipose tissue can store an unlimited amount? This is where weight gain comes into play. The more glucose you eat, the more will be stored in adipose tissue, the more it will expand. If you eat more energy than you exert, your body may never have the need to tap into your fat storage for energy.
To be clear, I am NOT concerned about a person who is getting their glucose from broccoli or eggplant (yes, these are carbohydrates and turn to glucose in your blood). I am concerned about those who are eating a lot of bread, sweets or packaged snacks. Why is this? First, they are less nutrient dense than fruits and vegetables. Second, processed sweets and snacks tend to be filled with poor quality fats such as soybean oil or canola oil and chemicals to make these foods shelf-stable and hyper-palatable. These foods can sit on a shelf for YEARS in a store and hijack your tastebuds and make you continually crave more and more! The manufacturer can just sit back and watch their profits rise all the while our body doesn’t know what to do with the poor quality fats and chemicals so it just pushes them into your adipose tissue…once stored, it is very hard for us to release.
Our sleep improves
Yes, it is true. Balanced blood sugar means better sleep. Do you wake up continually between 2-3AM? This is a classic sign of blood sugar dysregulation. Our body forces itself awake because our blood sugar has dropped and it thinks something is truly wrong so it wants you conscious, think fight or flight. If this happens to you repeatedly, take note of what you ate and drank after 4PM that day. What else do you have to do? You are lying awake in the dark! Are you eating pasta and having a few glasses of wine? That meal would primarily turn to glucose in your body, so hours later after it is digested, your blood sugar would dip so much that it would go below the normal range and cause your undesirable wake up.
Our energy is regulated
Do you want to feel good throughout the day and not need to grab an energy drink or a cup of coffee at 3PM? Help yourself out and eat a meal that has nutrient dense carbohydrates-vegetables and balance that with a healthy dose of high quality protein and fat. I promise you, you will feel good throughout your day.
The truth is, our bodies are trying to tell us what it needs all day, every day. When are you going to start listening?
Are you unsure where to start or what your body is trying to tell you? As G.I. Joe said, ‘Knowing is half the battle.’ and I am here to guide you through the process if you are ready to make some changes to improve your health. Reach out to me, your FNTP!